Top 10 Health Benefits of Coriander Seeds
Detoxifies the Body:
Coriander seeds Contain natural compounds which help in detoxifying the body and remove all the heavy toxin metal that can cause problems like Alzheimer, Memory Loss, Improper Function of Cardiovascular system and others.
Good for Lips:
If you have dark lips and want to treat them then you should apply coriander seed juice mixed with Lemon Juice on your Lips and wash it after 2 hours. This will definitely give you pink Lips.
Good for Eyes:
Coriander seeds are really good for eyes as they contain powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants help in treating many types of eye problems and increase vision. If you consume it on regular basis, you will definitely see the positive result.
Good for Diabetic patients:
Coriander seeds are very good for patients of diabetes as it helps in maintaining a healthy blood sugar level by stimulating the production of insulin. Diabetic patients should consume it on regular basis for the best results.
Good for Digestive System:
Coriander seeds are very good for the digestive system as they help in promoting the healthy functioning of liver and bowel movement. If you are not able to digest the food properly then you should consume coriander seeds with a glass of water, it will definitely help.
Has Iron:
The presence of high amount of iron in coriander seeds is found to be very good for health as it helps in protecting us from harmful diseases like anemia. You should consume high amount of iron rich food like coriander seeds if you want a healthy body.
Has Vitamin A:
Coriander seeds contain high amount of Vitamin A which is a very good nutrient for the body as it helps in reducing the risk of certain types of cancers like breast cancer, oral cancer and others without damaging the health.
Make the Hair Strong:
Coriander seeds help in making the hair strong. Mix coriander seed powder with oil and apply it on the scalp. This helps in preventing hair loss and helps in strengthening the hair. You have to use it regularly if you want this positive effect.
Treat Cough and Cold:
Coriander seeds are also used for treating cough and cold. You should consume it in large amount if you really want to treat these diseases. You should not worry before consuming since it is a natural products and it is free from harmful chemicals.
Tags: Cliantro, Coriander Seeds, Dhandal, Dhaniya seeds, dodda sompu,, Kashmiri Dhanadal, Kashmiri Dhanason, Sompu, Varyali